V-BACILI (Bacillus subtilis)
V-BACILI is a biological bactericide. The technical name is Bacillus subtilis, a naturally occurring mycopathogenic bacterial antagonist that infects and limits the growth of plant pathogenic fungi & produces very powerful fungal cell wall busting super bio-enzymes. These formulations are specifically manufactured to enhance the mycocidal activity and biological stability. The formulation helps to control and protects the crops from both baterial and fungal diseases in grapes, pomegranate, banana, cardamom, paddy, pulses, vegetables and other agriculture horticulture crops. This is very effective for powdery mildew. These organisms are not harmful to the crop but inhibit the growth of other disease causing fungi.

Mode of action - uptake of nutrients
- Colonizing the root system of the host plant
- It produce very powerful fungal cell wall busting super bio enzyme.
- It has ability to produce plant growth promoting substances, which promote the plant growth and improved nutrient uptake.
Enhanced stress resistance in plants and helps increase the quality and quantity of yield.
Recommended Crops
Banana, Cardamom, Grapes, Pomegranate ,Pepper, Ginger, Rubber, Vanilla, Coconut, Groundnut, Paddy, Pulses Turmeric, Tomato and other vegetable crops etc.
Method of application
Seed treatment
10g or 5ml per Kg of seeds and soak the seeds in water over night, decant the excess water and allow to sprout the seeds for 24 hrs and then sow.
Seedling root dipping
2.5 Kg or 500ml of V-BACILI for 1 ha seedlings in sufficient amount of water then dip the roots for at least 30 minutes.
Spray 0.4 % concentration (4g or 2ml/lit, 2 Kg or 500ml/ha) commencing from 45 days after transplanting at 10 days interval for 3 times depending on disease intensity. If there is no disease incidence a single spray is sufficient as a preventive.
Points to be noted
Before application crack the topsoil and apply around root zone and maintain moisture. V-BACILI should not be mixed with any chemical insecticide, fungicide and weedicide.
Maintain adequate organic matter and moisture before and after application.
Viable cell count: 2 x 108 /gm (Carrier)
Viable cell count: 1 x109/ml (Liquid)
Best before 6 months from manufacturing date
- It produce very powerful fungal cell wall busting super bio enzyme.
- It has ability to produce plant growth promoting substances, which promote the plant growth and improved nutrient uptake.
- Enhanced stress resistance in plants and helps increase the quality and quantity of yield.