V-NEMATO (Paecilomyces lilancinus)
V-NEMATO is a biological Nematicide. The technical name is Paecilomyces lilancinus. Paecilomyces has the ability to control number of nematodes such as Root Knot nematode, Burrowing nematode, Cyst nematode, Root lesion nematode, Reniform nematode, False root knot nematode.

Mode of action - uptake of nutrients
During the infection of nematodes, the nematophagous fungi penetrate the surface (Cuticle) of the nematode and digest the internal tissues of the host. The nematode cuticle is composed of proteins including collagen. Proteolytic enzymes produced from the fungus have an important role during the penetration. These
fungi parasitize vermiform adult or larval nematodes and parasitize eggs or cyst.
Dissolve 1 Kg or 500ml of V-NEMATO + 1 Kg Jaggery in 400 lit water drench around base of each plant/around the root zone area
Recommended Crops
Vegetables, Banana, Pineapples, Grapes, Strawberries, Citrus, Peach, Ornamentals, Tobacco, Nut trees and other Agricultural and Horticultural crops.
Method of application
Mix the required amount of V-NEMATO along with required amount of water and jaggery, stir well to form a uniform suspension. Spray / drench around base of the each plant immediately after preparation.
Spraying should be done during early morning or evening hours. For speedy kill, higher dosage may be applied. Use natural wetting agent for better results.
In general 14 days before planting, 6 weeks after planting, repeat every 6 weeks for 4 months.
V-NEMATO is compatible with most bio-pesticide
and bio-fertilizers. It should not be mixed with any
chemical fungicides and pesticides.
Keep in dry and cool place. Do not expose to direct sunlight or heat.
Viable cell count: 2 x 107 /gm (Carrier)
Viable cell count: 2 x108 /ml (Liquid)
Best before 6 months from manufacturing date
- These fungi parasitize vermiform adult or larval nematodes and parasitize eggs or cyst.
- V-NEMATO is compatible with most bio-pesticide and bio-fertilizers.