V-AZOTO efficient strain of Azotobacter . Azotobacter is a nitrogen fixing free-living bacterium. It is found in the soil around the plant roots and root surface. Nitrogen is the major element present in the atmosphere. But it is present in an unavailable form to the plants. This has to be made available to the plants for their basic physiological activities.

Mode of action - uptake of nutrients
    • V-AZOTO assimilates atmospheric nitrogen (which cannot be taken by plants directly) and then fixes it in soil, which is then readily available to the plant.

Recommended Crops
    • Rice, Sugarcane, Millets, Coconut, Cotton, Banana, Cardamom, Coffee, Rubber, Tea, Vanilla and all Agricultural and Horticultural crops

Method of application
  • Seed Treatment

    For Paddy (1 Kg/acre or 250ml/acre) other crops (½ Kg/acre or 125ml/acre). Mix required quantity of V-AZOTO with 250ml of cool rice kanji and make a slurry. Treat the seeds sufficient for an acre. Dry in shade for 30 minutes and sow.

    Seedling treatment

    Mix 2 Kg or 500ml of V-AZOTO  in 50 lit of water and dip the roots for 15 mts before transplanting.

    Main field application

    Mix 5 Kg or 1000ml of V-AZOTO  in 100 Kg of well composted farmyard manure and broadcast in one acre of main field, just before transplanting.

    V-AZOTO should not be mixed with any chemical insecticide, fungicide and weedicide. Maintain organic mater and adequate moisture before and after application.

    Viable Cell Count: 2 x 108 (Carrier)

    Viable Cell Count: 1 x 109 (Liquid)

    Best before 6 months from manufacturing date

    • V-AZOTO  is known to produce Plant growth promoting substances like IAA, GA and Cytokinins, which promotes root proliferation, plant growth, early initiation of tillers retention of more number of flowers and capsules.
    • V-AZOTO  produces vitamins like Pantothenic acid, Thiamin and Niacin in large quantities. These substances improve the plant growth and yield.
    • V-AZOTO  inoculation promotes early tillering and reproductive growth and increases the grain-filling rate.
    • V-AZOTO  can fix 30-50 Kg of Nitrogen per hectare in one-crop season and can leave behind substantial quantities of nitrogen in the soil for succeeding crop.
    • V-AZOTO  increases the root let density and root branching resulting in the increased uptake of minerals and water