V-Hume is a dark brown / black colour liquid derived from decayed organic matter (humates)

Mode of action - uptake of nutrients
  • V-HUME has high cation exchange capacity which serves to chelate (collect) plant food elements and release them as plant requires.

Recommended Crops
  • V-HUME is recommended for all categories of crops like cereals, pulses, oil seeds, vegetables, fruit crops, plantation crops and all horticultural crops.

Method of application
  • Seed Treatment : Mix 10 ml of V-HUME per kg of seeds with required quantity of water.

    Seedling & root tip : Mix 2ml of V-HUME/litre and dip the roots for 5mts before planting.

    Foliar spraying : Apply 1ml/litre of water and spray during flower and fruit formation stages.

    Soil drenching : Mix 3ml V-HUME/litre of water and drench nursery bed, root zone area.

    • Vigorous seed germination.
    • Increases soil aeration, water holding capacity and stimulates growth and proliferation of desired soil microorganisms.
    • Stimulates shoot and root growth by accelerating cell division.
    • anisms.
    • Increases vitamin content in plants, carotenoid in carrots and grain weight in rice, wheat, pulses etc.
    • anisms.
    • Reduces soil erosion and improves drought tolerance.

    Stimulates the respiration rates, increases the root and top growth on fresh and dry weight basis and enhance plant root uptake of P, K, Fe, Cu, Zn and Ca.